Dental Implants

What is a dental implants?


Dental Implants :- A tooth has two components, the crown and the root. When a tooth is lost, the best replacement for the root would be an implant with a crown that will be fixed on top of it. The crown fixed acts as an active tooth and will aid in all the functions same as the natural tooth. With the advancements in dentistry the missing tooth can be replaced with an implant in as minimal as 24 hours.

Procedures involved In getting a dental implant:

Dental implant is usually done in stages, with a series of minor operations and tests.

First step is the development of an individualized treatment plan.

The treatment plan is prepared by a team of professionals and experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon / implantologist.

Step 1: To provide us a very good idea of where to place the implant, scans and x-rays are performed.

Step 2: To ensure that you are pain-free during the procedure, an anaesthetic will be administered.

Step 3: The dental implant is fitted into the jawbone by making pinholes. One must wait till the bone has properly healed.

Step 4: During the healing process, the implant gets integrated with the jaw bone.

Step 5: When the implant is stable, we will lay the foundation for the new tooth or teeth.

Step 6: To make the new tooth, we will make impressions of your teeth and creates a model of your bite.

Step 7: Finally, the artificial crown is screwed or cemented into place.

Benefits of Dental implant

  • Restores the full chewing power
  • Dental Implants are Biocompatible
  • Dental implants are Durable
  • Dental implant maintains the oral health
  • Dental implants maintain the jaw bone level
  • Dental implants improve self esteem

After-Care for Dental Implants:

  1. Follow the prescription given by your dentist.
  2. Intermittent ice packs would help in reducing the swelling, if there is any
  3. It is advisable that you refrain from smoking until the wound has fully healed because it severely hinders oral healing.
  4. Avoid alcohol, hot food, hot liquids and carbonated beverages for 48 hours.
  5. Start brushing your teeth carefully after meals the day following surgery.
  6. We advise using a water flosser to help remove the plaque more effectively.